in SystemVerilog
Many forms of the same Method based on the execution of the method at Run Time.
program test_poly;
class shape;
int width, height;
function new(int x=0, int y=0);
width = x;
height =y;
endfunction //new
virtual function area ();
$display("From Shape Class");
endfunction //area
endclass //shape
class rectangle extends shape;
function new(int x=0, int y=0);
endfunction //new
function area();
$display ("Rectangle area:width:%0d height:%0d
",width,height, width * height);
return(width * height);
endfunction //area
endclass //rectangle
class triangle extends shape;
function new(int x=0, int y=0);
endfunction //new
function area();
$display ("Triangle area:width:%0d height:%0d
",width,height, (width * height/2));
return(width * height);
endfunction //area
endclass //triangle
initial begin
shape shape[2];
rectangle rect1 = new(10,20);
triangle tria1 = new(10,20);
shape[0] = rect1;
shape[1] = tria1;
#10; $display("Test End");
end //initial
endprogram //test_poly
The program output as follows,
WITHOUT "virtual" keyword in 'area' function in
'shape' class
From Shape Class
From Shape Class
WITH "virtual"
keyword in 'area' function in 'shape' class
area:width:10 height:20 200
area:width:10 height:20 100
Many forms of the same Method based on the execution of the method at Run Time.
program test_poly;
class shape;
int width, height;
function new(int x=0, int y=0);
width = x;
height =y;
endfunction //new
virtual function area ();
$display("From Shape Class");
endfunction //area
endclass //shape
class rectangle extends shape;
function new(int x=0, int y=0);
endfunction //new
function area();
$display ("Rectangle area:width:%0d height:%0d ",width,height, width * height);
return(width * height);
endfunction //area
endclass //rectangle
class triangle extends shape;
function new(int x=0, int y=0);
endfunction //new
function area();
$display ("Triangle area:width:%0d height:%0d ",width,height, (width * height/2));
return(width * height);
endfunction //area
endclass //triangle
initial begin
shape shape[2];
rectangle rect1 = new(10,20);
triangle tria1 = new(10,20);
shape[0] = rect1;
shape[1] = tria1;
#10; $display("Test End");
end //initial
endprogram //test_poly
The program output as follows,
WITHOUT "virtual" keyword in 'area' function in 'shape' class
From Shape Class
From Shape Class
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